Bronsun Dye Remover 20ml
Price: $19.95 Add to cart

Bronsun Dye Remover 20ml

Price: $19.95

Dye Remover 20ml

Gently removes dye stain from the skin when used right after application.

  • For removal of any flaws or minor mistakes.
  • It can certainly help achieve, crisp, straight lines.
  • Used to create an Ombré effect.
  • Lightens the pigment on skin up to several tones without colour fading the dye on the hairs.
  • Shelf Life: 36months Before Opening, 12months After Opening.
  • 165 procedures


3 in stock

Directions for Use

  • Apply a drop of the product on a cotton tip or micro brush.
  • Let it sit for a few seconds.
  • Lightly rub the desired area.